المنشورات العلميه

1- Fayyazuddin,M. Rafi,R. Reem AL-Tuwiriqi and A. Bakry (1996).

  A New Five-Parameter Diatomic Potential, J. Phys. II  France 6:1125-1132.


 2-R. AL-Tuwiriqi,A. Bakry,M. Rafi and Fayyazuddin (1997). The   Rydberg-Klein-Rees Ptential Energy Curve of the A  state of NaH,  J. Phys. B: At. Mol.Opt Phys. 30: 2033-2037.


3- R. AL-Tuwiriqi,A. Bakry,M. Rafi and Fayyazuddin (1998) `The calculation of potential curve of the A  state of 7LiH from experimental data, Indian J. Phys. 72B(1): 87-91.



4- M. Rafi, R. AL-Tuwiriqi,A. Bakry, A. Al-Ghamdi and I. A. Khan (2000) . New absorption bands of the A  - X system of NaH molecule ,   Indian J. Phys. 74B : 1-6.


5-.M. Rafi, A. Bakry , N. Al-Senany and Fayyazuddin (2000).  A New Four-Parameter Potential Function for Stable Diatomic Molecules , Indian  J. Phys. 74B (6) 485 – 488 .   


6-M. Rafi, Fayyazuddin , A. Bakry , and N. Al-Senany (2001).  On the Prediction of αe  and ωeχe from a three-parameter diatomic potential ,Asian Journal of Spectroscopy , 2 : 83-88 .


7- A. Bakry  . Spectroscopic Analysis of Marble Samples using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy , Asian Journal of Spectroscopy , Vol.11,No.1 : 51-59(2007) .


8-  M. A. Gondal, , T. Hussain, Z. H. Yamani and A.H. Bakry,        

 Study of hazardous metals in Iron Slag Waste Using Laser Induced Breakdown  

 Spectroscopy, J. Environmental Science and Health  Part A(2007) 42, 767-775.




AHMED.H. BAKRY (2007),

Detection of contaminants in ore samples using laser-induced breakdown  Spectroscopy, J. Environmental Science and Health  Part A(2007) 42, 879-887.


10- A. H. Bakry (2007), Determination of Different Metals in Steel  Waste Samples Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,  Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry,8(1).


11- M. A. Gondal, T. Hussain, Z. H. Yamani and A.H. Bakri,  Determination of Elemental Composition in Iron Slag Waste Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy , 3rd Science Conference, King Saud University, 2007.

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11/15/2008 2:03:30 AM